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Media Essays: Iconic Puppets From The UK and USA (World Puppetry Day Special)

Title Card

Featuring Jacob Coad

Puppetry is one of those forms of art that is often overlooked by society, and it's a shame that's the case for puppetry is just as much a work of art as any other media. The amount of work that goes into crafting and creating them, and also operating them is no easy feat, and the media people often create with puppets have just as much work put into them as any movie or TV series out there.

Some of the most iconic and beloved characters in history are puppets, and many of us have fond memories of growing up and watching their shows, and some of us still love to watch them as adults. From your hand puppets to your marionettes, media has given us a lot of famous characters that are still beloved even to this day.

And to celebrate World Puppetry Day, I'm going to talk about some of those famous puppets. However, I'm going to make this extra special by talking about puppets from the UK...and also from the US.

The UK and US easily hold the monopoly on famous and recognizable puppets, so why not talk about puppets from those countries? I'm here to talk about the ones from the UK. But I need someone from the US to talk about the American puppets. Now where would I find someone like that...?

(The Media Man hears a knock at the door.)

Oh, hold on a sec. I think that might be the answer to my question.

(He opens the door and sees it's his friend, Jacob)

Jacob: Hey there Scott whatcha up to?

Media Man: Oh hey Jacob! Just the guy I need for this essay! I was going to do an essay talking about famous puppets from the UK and USA, and I need someone to handle the US characters. Since you love puppetry, I think you'd be more than up for this one.

Jacob: You got it buddy, I’d love to help you with this. It’s no secret to everyone who knows me, I have mad appreciation for puppetry, as not only are some of my favorite characters puppets, but they’ve inspired me to be a puppeteer myself. I’d be delighted to talk about some of my favorites for this post.

Media Man: Excellent! So without further ado, let's get into it!

Throughout this post, we'll take turns talking about a specific character, and we'll go in order from UK to US, UK to US until we're finished. So I'll start off with our first famous UK puppet...

UK: Basil Brush

Basil Brush

If you were a kid like me growing up in the UK during the 2000's, then chances are you'll recognize who this is.

First appearing in 1962, Basil Brush has had at least a few shows in his time with one running from 1968 - 1980 and another that ran from 2002 and 2007. Basil is a fox that speaks in a "posh" accent and is particularly famous for his trademark buck-toothed appearance, his large tail that he referred to as a "brush" and his signature "BOOM! BOOM!" catchphrase which he'd say every time he told a joke.

He was created and originally operated by Ivan Owen during the 60's and all the way until Ivan would pass away from cancer in 2000. When creating the character, Ivan based the character's voice on classic actor Terry-Thomas (whom you may know as the voice of Sir Hiss in Disney's Robin Hood) to give him that touch of class for the character. Ivan made sure he received no publicity for the character as he wanted Basil to seem "alive" and for everyone to focus on the puppet himself rather than the puppeteer. Basil became a popular character, especially amongst children, with The Basil Brush Show in the 2000's being his most noteworthy appearance to date. With Ivan's passing, Basil was given a new puppeteer in the form of Michael Windsor, whom still puppets the famous fox puppet to this day.

The Basil Brush Show was a children's comedy series that had all sorts of wacky humour in it, including several fourth wall breaks, and the 2000's version even gave us Basil's extended family with his nephew Bingo and his evil cousin Mortimer. The show ran for 78 episodes and would change cast members a few times throughout its run, but Basil would always remain part of the show (no duh).

This puppet is such an icon that he's even appeared in pantomimes, one of which I went to see when he played the Chief of the Police in a performance of Aladdin. He's also gone on to appear in other popular UK shows such as The Chase, QI, French and Saunders and numerous upon numerous of Comic Relief and Children in Need sketches. But by far his most notable appearance outside of his own show was when he appeared in the Pantomime Special of The Weakest Link, and became the first ever puppet to win on the show no less. He would return to the show again for its 1000th episode, but would finish as a runner-up that time. Still, that shows you what an icon he is when he appears on British quiz shows like he's some regular celebrity. Makes you forget he's just a puppet, eh?

Basil Brush is one of the UK's most iconic puppets, and that's definitely no joke. His appealing design, his funny sense of humour, his wacky shows and his memorable guest appearances make it easy to see why we Brits love him so much. I guarantee after you watch Basil Brush in action, he'll have you going "Ha, ha, ha! BOOM, BOOM!" just like he does.

So Jacob, who will you cover first for the US?

Jacob: I think I know a good place to start.

US: Fraggle Rock

Fraggle Rock

To start off my favorites, I’m going with one of Jim Henson’s more ambitious projects and part of his trinity of shows, Fraggle Rock. Created in 1983, the show followed the adventures of small creatures called Fraggles, whose curiosity knows no bounds and they adore to sing and play. We focus on five particular Fraggles as the theme song says in this order, Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red. There are a couple other creatures in this show including the tiny, hard-working Doozers, whose towers are usually eaten by the Fraggles, and the Gorgs, three giants who believe they are the rulers of the universe, but are nothing but mere farmers.

Fraggle Rock had a sense of community that made all the creatures in this universe feel connected, and all of the main Fraggles have a strong friendship that makes them feel almost real. My personal favorites are Gobo, the de facto leader of the group, and Mokey, who tries her best to see the good in everything around her.

The original Fraggle Rock ran for five seasons but soon would see a new series in the form of Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock, which has gotten praise for not only appealing to audiences of the original, but even appealing to a new generation of fans.

The Fraggles have been there to teach us to dance our cares away, and of course let the music play.

So what’s next for you, buddy?

Media Man: I'm going next with this guy:

UK: Sooty


This is another one where if you were a kid living in the UK, chances are you remember this cute little critter.

Sooty, like Basil, is another glove puppet character and his origins are pretty interesting. He was created by English magician, puppeteer and television presenter, Harry Corbett, back in 1952 and the inspiration came across a chance find in 1948. You see, Harry was on holiday in Blackpool at the time and he came across an all yellow bear glove puppet that he then purchased and used to entertain his kids. He later used the puppet to entertain children with a variety of comedic routines and magic tricks that would earn him a spot on Talent Night on the BBC. He actually won the show and resigned from his previous job to become a regular performer on the BBC children's show Saturday Special, using the yellow puppet to entertain children some more. This newfound popularity and success would lead to him redesigning the puppet into what we know today as Sooty, the name coming from how he used black dust (or soot) to make his ears and nose black.

Sooty is a television star, much like Basil, and has had several live-action shows, an animated series in 1997-1998 and stage shows to his name. His shows often include slapstick comedy, magic tricks (hence the wand you see him with in the picture), prop comedy and music. Sooty himself is depicted as mute in most media with most of his personality being displayed through body language and the puppeteer's movements. He's also accompanied by a couple of friends, which are a panda named Soo and a dog named Sweep. While Sooty's mute, Sweep communicates with squeaking sounds and Soo is the only one of the group who speaks fluent English.

As well as his many appearances in his own franchise, Sooty has made guest appearances in other media such as Peter Kay's animated medley music video for Children in Need in 2009 and an appearance in Peter Kay's "Is This The Way To Amarillo?" music video for Comic Relief in 2005. Sweep also appeared in those videos with Sooty, while Soo only joined him in the 2009 video. Speaking of Soo, she appeared in the puppets special episode of The Weakest Link and became the second puppet in UK history to win an episode of the show. Given Sooty doesn't talk and Sweep makes squeaking noises, it's a no-brainer where Soo was the one to appear since she can actually talk. XD Although Sooty DID appear in an episode of Noel Edmond's Telly Addicts alongside Harry's son, Matthew Corbett, so he did appear in at least one quiz show.

I'm no expert on the Sooty franchise, but I imagine the reason he's been such an icon in my country is because of his appealingly cute design and how his shows were so appealing for children. I mean it's a cute little bear puppet that does magic tricks, what kid wouldn't find that entertaining? While Sooty isn't as huge as he used to be, he still remains a recognizable figure in British pop culture and easily among the UK's most iconic puppets out there.

Jacob: I think I have another relatively obscure but iconic show myself.

US: Between the Lions

Between the Lions

Chances are you might not know what this series is, but I know that there are some people that will recognize this show. Premiering in 2000, Between the Lions is considered to be a show made for “Sesame Street grads,” as this show focuses on reading comprehension skills.

The main characters are a family of lions who live in and operate a big library where characters can literally jump off the page. You have the parents Theo and Cleo, and their cubs Lionel and Leona. This was done to personify the show’s belief to get kids “Wild About Reading.” I always like to believe Lionel and Leona were created to represent different kid audiences with Lionel being a fan of an in-universe book series, The Adventures of Cliff Hanger, while Leona is just learning to read, often needing a designated reader which the show preaches at the end of every episode.

Between the Lions ran for a good ten seasons, and has been given acclaim for its way of teaching kids, from rapid-fire learning segments, emphasizing words, and even including a character named Gus, who has a learning disability. The puppeteers who performed the Lions by the end of the show's run happen to keep their characters they performed and still play them on occasion for appearances. Goes to show how well this series did.

Between the Lions sure stays true to its motto of getting kids wanting to read.

UK: Zippy and George

Zippy and George

Now these two are an interesting pair of puppets, and definitely characters you probably only recognize if you're a citizen of the UK.

Zippy and George are the stars of the UK children's TV series Rainbow, which aired from 1972 - 1997. It aired a whopping great total of 1,002 episodes by the end of its run. Try binge-watching all of that in one week!

The show, which was conceived as the British equivalent of Sesame Street, was presented by David Cook (until 1974) and Geoffrey Hayes (1974 onwards) and featured the iconic puppet characters in the roles of inquisitive children. Interestingly, Geoffrey Hayes was the one who suggested Zippy to be tangerine in colour. Apparently, he was going to be blue, but Geoffrey suggested tangerine to match the colours of the Dundee United football time, which Geoffrey is a fan of. And thus, that's why Zippy is the colour he is today. Zippy is an unusual creature in where it's not immediately obvious what he's meant to be and, true to his name, he has a zip on his mouth, which makes him a VERY literal example of the phrase "I'll zip your mouth shut!" Weirdly enough, he doesn't seem to be able to unzip his own mouth whenever anyone does it and he has to wait for them to unzip it. Don't ask why, it's a children's show. Logic goes out the window there. XD

George on the other hand is quite clearly a hippo. While Zippy is loud, obnoxious and mischievous, George is more shy, friendly and somewhat camp in nature and is often the straight man to Zippy's antics. One incredibly fascinating fact about these two is that for most of their career, these puppets were voiced by the late, great Roy Skelton. Who is he you may ask? Not only was he the voices of these two, but he also voiced a certain race of evil pepper pots from Doctor Who...

The Daleks

Yep, these two innocent looking cuddly puppet characters shared a voice actor with THE FREAKING DALEKS OF ALL THINGS! The world of voice-acting is wild, let me tell you! XD Oh and on the subject of Doctor Who, the voice of K-9, John Leeson, also had a role in Rainbow in where he played the costumed bear character Bungle. Now we just need one of the Doctors to play a character in Rainbow and we're all set. XD

Ever since Rainbow aired during the 70's, 80's and 90's, Zippy and George have remained icons in UK pop culture and are still well-remembered by us Brits to this day. The two have made appearances outside of Rainbow, most notably appearing in the puppets special on The Weakest Link in where they only made it to Round 3 and lost. Naturally, there was a comedic moment where the host, Anne Robinson, zips Zippy's mouth shut. XD The two have also appeared in various Children in Need sketches with one example being a sketch that saw some iconic puppet characters in a comedic spin on The Great British Bake-Off. Zippy and George made a jam roly-poly with ice-cream, which looked pretty delicious. The two have also made cameos in the British fantasy crime series Ashes to Ashes, the sequel show to Life on Mars.

If ever you think of British puppet characters, chances are Zippy and George will be among the ones you'll remember. With their distinct appearances and charming personalities that make them enjoyable, it's easy to see why these two are icons in British pop-culture...

US: Gordon Shumway (ALF)

If you lived in the 80’s, there’s a 90% chance you’ll know who this is. ALF is a sitcom that aired from 1986-1990, and the title character is a furry alien with a very distinct nose who hails from the planet Melmac.

ALF, whose real name is Gordon Shumway, crashed in the garage of the Tanner family in the first episode (Not the same Tanners from Full House) and he’s been living a secret life in their home ever since. The family give his nickname (short for Alien Life Form), and ALF became quite a superstar on TV. ALF was known for having a mostly sarcastic personality provided by his performer Paul Fusco, mostly talking in jokes and one-liners, but also giving little tidbits about his planet. Of course, ALF gets into all kinds of shenanigans, like trying to eat the family cat Lucky, pretending to be a costume for a Halloween party, or accidentally bringing in an alien cockroach that grows bigger overtime. XD

The show proved to be a big hit running for four seasons, and also had a television film called Project ALF that continued where the last episode left off. Even years after the show ended, Gordon continued to make multiple appearances, including two spin-off animated series, the PSA special Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, a short-lived talk show spin-off, several appearances in TV commercials, cameos in shows like Young Sheldon, and sometimes videos and interviews on the Internet.

ALF is considered to be an icon of the 80’s, but one thing is for sure, he is living proof that even an Alien Life Form can have a sense of humor. :)

UK: Roland Rat

Roland Rat

This might be another one who isn't that well-known outside of the UK.

Roland Rat was a puppet character created for the defunct TV-am programme during the breakfast hours of the morning. He was created, operated and voiced by David Claridge and was regarded as the programme's savoir, described as "the only rat to join a sinking ship". He sure helped in getting the programme more views as his presence there got the viewership up from 100,000 to 1.8 million. And we act like rats are disgusting vermin. XD Roland's particularly known for his cheeky personality and naughty sense of humour.

After his time on TV-am, he transferred over to the BBC for a three-year contract, and that got extended to six years (because he was that popular, I guess). Roland even quipped about how he save TV-am, now he's here to save the BBC. Modest, isn't he? During his time at the BBC, he made a number of series such as Roland Rat: The Series, a chat show set in his sewer home that was converted into a high-tech media centre called the Ratcave. Very creative. =P The series also gave us members of his family, his girlfriend and several other characters. He also did two spoof drama series that were parodies of Sherlock Holmes and Batman respectively and he hosted his own children's game show called Roland's Rat Race in where child contestants answered general knowledge questions in a race car set. Sounds like a fun idea for a quiz show, honestly. He also did a show for Channel 5 called L.A. Rat in where it's about him and his friends living in...well, take a guess. In 2003, he also became a guest presented for the CITV channel.

In terms of guest appearances, Roland Rat has appeared in shows such as Big Brother, made a cameo in Ashes to Ashes and appeared on BBC's The One Show. But of course, like most of the puppets I've talked about already, he appeared as a contestant on The Weakest Link. Twice in fact. He appeared in one episode and didn't make it very far, but when he appeared again in the puppets special, he made it to the final and finished as a runner-up to Soo from The Sooty Show. When watching the episode, I always found Roland to be the funniest contestant playing as he came up with so many dirty jokes and funny lines. I even say Roland's the main reason to watch that episode.

While maybe not as iconic as Basil Brush, Sooty or Zippy and George, Roland Rat is still a recognizable figure in British pop culture and proof that even a rat can be lovable.

I have one last entry for the Brits, but before we get to that, let's see what you've got left to offer, Jacob. :)

Jacob: Well, I have two left, and before I get to my last, I have a relatively unknown puppet show I wanna talk about. ^^

US: Bird Call

Bird Call

Anyone who's reading might be wondering "What is this?" Well, Bird Call, also known as Bird Call Radio was created by one Walt Disney World puppeteer named Calvin Lester in 2002, and this show has quite an interesting concept. In the town of Peach Pit, Connecticut, on Jay Bird Street is a mast filled with birdhouses called the Nestling Mast, and on top is a hollowed out radio, home to a radio station called W.I.N.G, run by a flock of colorful birds. These include our protagonist, Luckl-Duckl Bird the rare Dodaramius, his adoptive brother Speck, best friend Kesmoe, Local's aunt Francis, and the sophisticated but grumpy opera singer Fowl Owl, all under their boss Mr. Chicker, who is indeed a male hen who stutters his B words. XD These birds are not allowed to talk to humans, but Luckl finds them very interesting and turns the birdling world upside down when he meets the bird enthusiast, Wally Zutman. ^^

Calvin Lester not only created Bird Call, but he also performs some of the characters like Luckl, and Bingo Flamingo, who's weirdly in love with a plastic flamingo. Bird Call started out pretty small with him looking for networks to pitch the show to but gradually became more independent. These birds have made an episodic podcast that gets us familiar with the characters and world, Bird Call on the Air, and performed live shows, including a full-length stage musical called well, Bird Call the Musical, and have made quite an interesting presence online with their YouTube channel, where they upload episodes, skits, and quite a number of songs. :)

I personally find Bird Call to be much underrated, so check out these birdies' channel whenever possible, these are very talented people and need more love. :D

Okay, Scott, I think you're pretty excited to talk about your last puppet media, so finish off strong. :D

UK: Thunderbirds


Easily one of the most famous franchises to come out of the UK, Thunderbirds was an action, science-fiction series created by Gerry Anderson and aired from 1965 - 1966 with a grand total of 32 episodes. The show is centred around the Tracy family which consists of Jeff Tracy and his five sons Scott, Virgil, Alan, Gordon and John who run the International Rescue organization. Said organization is all about saving lives and preventing catastrophes with their titular Thunderbird machines. You have Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, all with their own unique designs, features and roles to play. They also have help from Lady Penelope (who interestingly enough was played by Gerry Anderson's wife, Sylvia Anderson) and her faithful chauffer Parker and have to stop the wicked crimes of the criminal overlord known as the Hood.

Thunderbirds is a pop culture icon, especially here in the UK, especially for its unforgettable theme song and iconic imagery. You only have to look at the Tracy family in their uniforms or the machines they pilot and you instantly know who they are. The show was a huge success back when it aired, so much so that Gerry would go on to create other shows with his signature marionette style such as Stingray and Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons.

Speaking of, this is what makes the Thunderbirds series such a standout. Unlike most shows, the show was made using marionettes that interacted with real working vehicles, large physical sets and real explosions going off rather than being traditionally animated or live-acted. Some think this is cool while some think the characters look a little...uncanny. Watching this show as a kid, I was never bothered by the marionettes. I was too busy being wowed by the Thunderbirds themselves. As for the Thunderbirds, in case you're wondering, Thunderbird 2 is my particular favourite of the bunch. I always loved the design and its interchangeable pods.

Thunderbirds is such an iconic show that it remained popular even in the years after it aired. I know the show had a resurgence in popularity when I was a kid due to being re-released on home video and even airing on TV again. The show has spawned wads of merchandise in its time from toys to video-games and much more. Hell, they even spawned Thunderbirds costumes that kids could wear. I actually remember in an episode of Robot Wars, I saw a kid in a Thunderbirds costume in the audience. Two British icons in one place, how about that? The show also spawned a live-action movie in 2004. It was NOT very good. Come 2015, the show got a CGI remake called Thunderbirds Are Go that ran until 2020 with a total of 78 episodes. Fans and critics alike adored it, but I haven't see the reboot so I can't comment. Maybe I'll watch it some day. Still, the fact this show managed to be a hit both in the 60's AND the 2010's must tell you how beloved this franchise is and what a pop-culture icon it is, not just in Britain but in general. Oh, and if you thought this show wasn't iconic enough, there is a real-life rescue service that named itself after the show's International Rescue organization! No, I'm not making this up! See for yourself! Imagine being so popular that real world organizations name themselves after your work!

Whenever you think of famous puppets, especially ones from the UK, it's no wonder the Thunderbirds come to mind. Creative, action-packed, exciting and full of iconic imagery and puppet work, Thunderbirds certainly earned its place as icons of puppetry. Thunderbirds are go indeed...

Jacob: Ah yes, I knew you'd finish with a bang, so I'm gonna finish strong too...

US: The Muppet Show

The Muppets

I know, I talked about Fraggle Rock earlier, but I can't talk about favorites in puppetry without talking about this iconic ensemble of characters. The Muppets were created in 1955 by a young Jim Henson when he also created a public access show called Sam and Friends. The characters seem to be a big hit, so they would later make appearances in variety shows like Ed Sullivan, and Jimmy Dean. When the late 70's came around and Jim made a name of himself through Sesame Street, he decided it was time to create a new show that would not only showcase his masterful puppetry, but every episode would have a celebrity guest star, and thus we got The Muppet Show. :D

Taking place in a vaudeville theater, Kermit the Frog hosts a comedy-variety show and doing his best to make sure everything goes along smoothly. Some other iconic Muppets include but not limited to, the worst best comedian Fozzie Bear, the daredevil whatever with a distinct nose named Gonzo, Kermit's glamorous but egotistical girlfriend Miss Piggy, piano player Rowlf the Dog, and the show's gofer Scooter, among so many others. These characters were brought to life by not only Jim himself, but also performers like Frank Oz, Jerry Nelson, Dave Goelz, and Richard Hunt. Kermit has always been the anchor to the other Muppets' weird and crazy shenanigans, and the variety of scenes this show has ranges from songs, both covers and originals, comedy sketches like Pigs in Space, Veterinarian's Hospital, and At the Dance, interview segments with Kermit, Muppet News Flash, and even some sketches brought over from Jim's days in the 60's like Java. :)

Of course, because The Muppet Show was the number one show on television, every big celebrity wanted to have a spot in this, and Jim made sure that their time was the most enjoyable for them. These appearances included Steve Martin, Harry Belefonte, Mummenschanz, Vincent Price, Alice Cooper, Don Knotts, John Cleese, Elton John, the cast of Star Wars, and even Linda Carter, to name a few. You can see why everyone wanted to be in this. :D The Muppet Show ran for a good five seasons with 120 episodes, and even after the show's run, the Muppet characters still continue to grow strong with numerous shows, movies, games, books, a comic strip by Guy Gilchrist, and even in the world of video games.

I myself have been a Muppets fan ever since I watched Sesame Street, and I have been able to check out a lot of Muppet Show related media, and there is no denying the impact the Muppets had on me. :D

Well, this has been fun to talk about our favorite puppet media and characters from our respective countries for World Puppetry Day. Thanks for bringing me on to talk about these, Scott, and it was great to hear your faves. ^^

Media Man: Likewise Jacob. Both sides of the pond have some truly iconic puppets and it's been so fun to talk about them for everyone.

For everyone reading this post: Happy World Puppetry Day and I invite you all to share your favourite puppet characters down below. Special thanks goes to Jacob for joining me for this post and making it more fun.

Hope you enjoyed the post everyone and I'll see you all next week when I review Pokémon Horizons Season 4. See you then media fans!

Adam Kreutinger

Dedicated to Adam Kreutinger

1988 - 2025

2 Kommentare

Erin Delgado
Erin Delgado
6 days ago

Wow, a lot of great and iconic puppets throughout and great info of them, plus you & Jacob did well on this essay. :)

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Jacob Coad
Jacob Coad
21. März

This was really fun to write. ^^

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