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Media Essays: Doctor Who Series 14 Rewrite

Title card

The TARDIS materialises and out steps a humanoid fox in his long dark red coat, orange shirt, black tie and burgundy trousers. The fox lifted his head and gave the TARDIS a small clap on the door.

Wandering Fox: Thanks for the trip, Doctor.

The Wandering Fox then looked out to everybody.

Wandering Fox: Lets do this, everybody.


Hello Whovians, Who fans, its me, the Wandering Fox. I've done a few Doctor Who topics recently though I think this will be my most trivial one yet, and I don’t say it lightly.

Ever since RTD came back for the series, I can’t help but feel underwhelmed by his return. We had a minisode with Davros walking, then we had a crap take on the Star Beast with the Doctor going back to an old face swept under a rug, then we gets a good episode which could have been saved for the Doctor and Ruby, then we get an okay ending to the 60th trilogy with RTD bringing in a Bi-Generation which i didn’t like, though I had hopes for Ncuti Gatwa.

I liked The Church on Ruby Road, even willing to let the song slide on this being a Christmas special, and I was interested in learning who Ruby’s mum is. Then we finally got the series, and I was just more bitter than happy with what we got. There's plot holes everywhere, the Doctor is more inconsistent, his friendship with Ruby had almost no development, the story arc was badly handled and while we did get a Classic villain back for this series, I felt he was treated with less respect. That and the finale feels like a slap in the face for a lot of fans who were hoping for something great, especially with how Susan Foreman was jangled in front of everybody. You treated the original companion, the Doctor’s granddaughter, the character the first ever story was named after, as a bait. Carol Ann Ford deserves better than this.

You know me by now, I do my own rewrites of stuff to try and make it better, yet here I feel the need to do even more than just rewrite the episodes. I think I have to try and fix the Doctor and Ruby a little bit. I wasn’t going to include The Church on Ruby Road, though I think I will have to since its there the Doctor and Ruby first meet each other.

I will do it like this:

Characters: Doctor, Ruby, Susan Triad, Carla, Sutekh.

Story arc: Though I liked Sutekh’s comeback, I think there was little buildup to him in the series with the exception of the TARDIS groaning and Maestro noting Ruby was left in the presence of “The Oldest One”. There’s the fact he’s defeated exactly similar to how he was defeated in Pyramids of Mars, though it’s left us wondering if the Doctor has bi generated this entire series then Sutekh can easily come back despite him dying.

Hence in some episodes there’s little hints here and there to him, the Doctor mentions he’s fought many god like beings, the Egyptians worshipped aliens, the groaning does have the Doctor nervous, he notes the TARDIS is landing more angrily. The Doctor could mention Sutekh in Boom with the planet he’s in being a former world the ancient Osirian destroyed.

With this out of the way, let’s focus on the characters.

The Doctor

I think some of the problems I have with the Doctor is he’s a little millennial, like him constantly saying “babes” or “hot” gets a bit much and he cries lots. I think of his serious moments like him facing off Maestro in the climax or how he talks of Susan with Kate, those are good because he doesn’t cry. I think I would characterise him as a mix of Jon Pertwee and Sylvester McCoy’s Doctors, with Ncuti Gatwa being a fan of Jon and he was so thankful of Sylvester welcoming him I think those Doctors would be better to be inspired by than David. Think of him like he’s a kind gent who likes to have fun with either his gadgets like Jon’s Doctor yet has a colder side though still has a sense of fun like Sylvester’s Doctor. Think of it like this:

The Doctor is standing against the Bogeyman.

Doctor: Well you’re quite the gruesome thing, aren’t you? Yet how is it you can scare me? Because I don’t get scared often yet here you are, jumping out of the dark and I’m sent running for my life. What exactly are you, Bogeyman?

The Doctor is met by Sutekh.

Doctor: Last I saw you, I aged you to death. I can easily see now you’re alive and kicking. Though you can fill me in, how did you escape the time tunnel?

I like his chemistry with Ruby though I think there has to be more to it. Thing is, he wasn’t being honest with her, he’s been scanning her, he’s been watching her, what is he doing? This is the element of Seven I bring in, he knows there’s something with Ruby but he doesn’t know what, he’s trying to figure it out, hence we have to hunt what brought him to her? It’s got to be more than the coincidences of the Goblins.

Then again, with it basically told Ruby is an ordinary kid I think I’d cut out the Doctor’s interest in finding out who her mum is.

I think I’d have him be a little more restrained with her in their first few episodes until Boom, he is more of a guide to her until then, after that he’s more like her friend.

The Doctor does have this other thing, it’s the lack of a costume. I like the jumper and the leather coat, the trousers of his reveal costume and his leather coat clothes, hence I’d gave him wear the leather coat with the jumpers, you can swap his trousers. I’d keep his Beetles suit and his Regency costume so he can blend in and for the fun of it, though here’s some variants.

I noticed the Doctor’s colours here are mostly orange, blue, brown and yellow, hence I’ve gone with these variants though I did give him a burgundy coat.

Doctor 15's costumes

I combined his blue and orange colours in these costumes while keeping the jumpers. The blue and orange are there for lighter hearted stories, the burgundy and blue is for the intense stories.

Ruby Sunday

I do like Ruby. I do. Just didn’t like how she was treated as bait in teasing us in saying she’s something bigger then reveal she’s an ordinary kid. Okay, you want her to be ordinary? Cool. Don’t waste a whole series of tricking us, just slide the mother in the background. You can still have Ruby’s orphaning be a crux to lean on for her character.

I think what exactly we needed with her was character growth in regards to her friendship with the Doctor as well as what exactly makes her angry or what is it she wants in life. I will keep these bits here and there like her loving to play music, cares ever much about children, bits of toughness here and there though has to overcome her fear.

I think what could make Ruby angry is abandonment with it being such a thing for her growing up with knowing her mum left her, hence I can see her ending up angry with somebody who, let’s say, in Space Babies. Ruby is upset the staff left the babies on the station.

Ruby: Just why? These are babies, they can’t just leave them!

Or in Boom you have Ruby explain to the Doctor why she isn’t abandoning him.

Ruby: If there’s something I’ve promised, it’s never abandon anybody. I’m not leaving you here, Doctor.

Doctor: Ruby. I appreciate it, I really do. But there’s little you can do for me if you stay here.

Ruby: Then what am I supposed to do? Just leave you until you finally give up then the mine just kills you?

Doctor: Okay. Listen. I can just make out a building over there, there’s some lights, see if there’s somebody who can help.

Ruby: O-Okay. Just don’t move.

Doctor: Heh, I wont.

This can often have Ruby end up in dark situations in which her gut instinct of staying and helping others can end up hurting her. I think there can be a scene in Dot and Bubble in which Lindy wants her to try and help the survivors though is obviously she can escape, though Ruby isn’t up for leaving her.

Lindy: Look, why don’t you just go? I can watch the door?

Ruby: I would love to go out there and help him, but if I’ll be honest? I don’t think you oughta be left alone down here. I know your scared-

Lindy: I’m not scared, I’m just not, feeling, you know? You’re in my personal space!

Ruby: I’m standing several feet away from you! Just sit down and be quiet!

Lindy: Don’t talk to me like a kid!

Ruby: Oh I’m sorry? Then you better stop acting like a kid cos you aren’t doing yourself any favours!

Lindy: Stop talking to me like that!

Ruby: Calm down!

Lindy: Ughhhhhhhhhhh!

Lindy then tries to fight Ruby though with her clumsiness, Ruby easily defeats her though it does leave the girl to keep herself weary of trusting others, like in my version of Rogue in which she is unsure if who to trust with the exception of the Doctor.

With my version of the series, Ruby ends up bottling up whenever her mum is mentioned, not bottling up to the case with her angry, just goes quiet. Though despite this Ruby does try to focus on the good in her life, has a loving mum and grandmother and has friends. The Doctor does question Ruby of what she’d do if she met her mum again, of which Ruby confesses she’d just want to know why.

Carla Sunday

Carla I am reworking her in being a loving mother who approaches the Doctor with caution but does end up trusting him with how he’s been a guide, helping Ruby stay safe in their journeys, though she does end up coming on board the TARDIS with my version of Yards, with her basically forcing the Doctor to confess why Ruby is so unnerved following the events of Boom.

Carla is surprised by what’s going on with the Doctor and has a comical moment. Carla easily believes the TARDIS is a Time Machine with her going inside it in my version of The Devil’s Chord. With Ruby explaining to her what gone on with Lulubelle and the Bogeyman, Carla thinks and knows the Doctor has kept Ruby safe for the most part though she has his set some terms, she wants Ruby brought back every day and Ruby must continue her job. This does leave Ruby a little upset though Carla does tell her “I’m your mum, I make the rules young lady”.

Carla does finally meet her own villain in Yards in the fairy alien who wants to kill Ruby to stop her in repairing the talisman. Carla is scared a little but has a brave face for her daughter, helping barricade the doors then helps trap the fairy in a ring of silver and salt. Carla watches the Doctor as he guides Ruby in repairing the talisman, finding how brave he is. Carla tells him to come and have some dinner with her and the family, telling him they all need it. Carla tells the Doctor she can tell he’s done this before, had others under his care and he does his best in keeping them safe.

Susan Triad

Oh gosh this is a difficult thing. Susan Triad has appeared in the series ever since Wild Blue Yonder with her created by Sutekh to follow the Doctor. Not his could have worked if they didn’t have it revealed Sutekh was clinging on the TARDIS ever since Pyramids of Mars. It doesn’t help Triad technologies didn’t even reveal anything of what it does, with it being revealed Sutekh was just messing with words to lure the Doctor in a trap.

With Susan Triad, I would just have it be revealed Susan was an ordinary woman who loved history and wanted to help everybody understand the past, hence she created Triad Technologies as a way of projecting the user back in time. During an archaeological exhibition Susan found technology which could help project old holographic recordings, she worked on it and can take form in the past. The Triad Tech is a triangle tech headpiece you stick on your temple. The Triad tech does become helpful for the Doctor in stopping Sutekh in the finale.


With Sutekh I’d have it be revealed he latched onto the TARDIS since Wild Blue Yonder. The Doctor and Donna came on the ship at the edge of the universe, the Flux had destroyed most of the universe and time itself was damaged, letting Sutekh escape the whole time vortex and lingered at the edge of the universe until he saw the TARDIS land on the ship then took over it. There the TARDIS has tried fighting Sutekh off, though cos the Doctor duplicated the TARDIS, it had Sutekh cling on the current TARDIS while the Tennant Doctor’s was freed. Sutekh reveals the Bi-Generation had only separated the Doctors’ timelines, the 14th Doctor will eventually die then regenerate into the 15th Doctor yet the Toymaker trying to kill the 14th dragged 15th back.

He won’t be a giant CGI jackal, it doesn’t help RTD doesn’t know how to tell the difference between a Titan and a god. It would just be a tall guy dressed as Sutehk with Gabriel voicing him. Sutekh wins and we have him residing over a desert with a throne. You then have this interesting scene with him and the Doctor, who confronts him and tries taunting Sutekh in asking him if he’s bored or scared, of which Sutekh chuckles and says it doesn’t matter. He will bring death to the multiverse, he just has to wait for somebody to slip through.

Then during this conversation, Sutekh asks the Doctor how he can be so angry with him for the death he’s caused, for the Doctor has killed for centuries, for good, questioning him he must feel better if he’s killed many cos he thinks death is good. The Doctor is disgusted in being compared to Sutekh, then feels the only way he can defeat him is by changing the past.

The Doctor defeats Sutekh by getting Ruby and Mel in the Memory TARDIS after he’s spoken with Sutekh. With this they then force the Memory TARDIS to collide with the TARDIS, knocking Sutekh off. The TARDIS back in his hands, the Doctor then opens the telepathic circuits then flies back in time to the day he lands in UNIT, with him slamming the TARDIS in past one. The past Doctor and Ruby watch as Sutekh is caught in a paradox collapse which forces him out of the universe and erases the other Doctor, Ruby and Mel. The TARDIS lands in UNIT and the Doctor is unnerved by what just happened though he thinks the dark future has been finally stopped.


The Church on Ruby Road: I’d keep it mostly the same, even the singing, though I’d cut out the references to “snow manned” and have the Doctor and Ruby spend a little bit more on going through the goblin ship with the Doctor learning they come from a different dimension. The Doctor finds the warp engine they use to travel in time hence he destroys it instead of killing the Goblin King, the ship folds back in its own dimension. Have Ruby still be a bit more scared but willing to look and listen to the Doctor with her connecting everything he said to her.

Space Babies: I would not have the talking babies, they would be in their stasis tubes. The Doctor doesn’t explain everything about himself to Ruby, we have Ruby learn more about him while the series goes on. Think of it like this.

Doctor: I’m the Doctor.

Ruby: Doctor who?

Doctor: Just the Doctor. Nothing else, only the Doctor. And this, Ruby Sunday, is my home, the TARDIS!

Ruby: Um, TARDIS?

Doctor: Heh, better than just calling it Time and Relative Dimension in Space as a name, just TARDIS. Just the Doctor.

Ruby: I, um, wow. Okay! Bigger on the inside, smaller on them outside! Well, okay, maybe a pointless question to ask but are you human?

Doctor: Heh, nope. Though of course, enough about me, Ruby, what exactly brought you in my TARDIS? It’s not everyday a human just waltz’s right in even after I just left the house!

You then have it be Ruby tries to avoid the subject of why she’s here. Though she wants to go back to find her mum, Ruby instead tells him she figured out everything he said, time travel, he said he went back in time. She had to see herself and asks for the dinosaurs, just to see the dinos up close. The Doctor can tell what she wants though he chooses to bring her back to the dinosaurs. You do the butterfly thing though instead of the Doctor resurrecting it, it turns out Ruby hadn’t exactly killed it, just take shoe off and the butterfly flies.

The Doctor asks her if she would like to go somewhere else. Ruby keeps avoiding the subject of her mother. The Doctor sighs and says he knows what she wants, but he can’t take her back to the church. He explains he could only go back just once and it was to save Ruby. It does leave Ruby upset a bit, her mood sinks though she does ask for a space ship before they go back.

The space station is called Mnemosyne, named after a Greek Goddess who is often the source of writing and language. There is robot nannies on board who is there to help look after the children upon their birth. The Bogeyman is a robot created by the space station. Because of a solar flare, the station was damaged and the Bogeyman became irate while the Nanny Bots forgot it was a robot. The Doctor helps fix the Bogeyman and offers to get them in the TARDIS so they can take the babies to a safer planet.

In the episode the Doctor and Ruby do come with an understanding through the babies, the Doctor is impressed by Ruby’s care for the children while Ruby sees the Doctor is a heroic man who constantly has his own life in danger to keep others safe. The topic of the Doctor being adopted does come up and Ruby asks him if he ever thought of trying to find his family with the TARDIS. The Doctor tells Ruby he tried to find out yet countless of people were hurt. He can’t do it again. He just has to accept its and live his life. He tells Ruby he wishes he saw her mum’s face but he didn’t. Though he is confused as the memory then changes.

The Wirrn and Nanny bots

The Wirrn and the Nanny Bots

The Wirrn here will have thicker legs with them being able to project goo which can infect those it touches. The Nanny Bots robot who resembles an old ladies.

The Doctor is still sorry to Ruby he can’t bring her back to her mum, though Ruby understands now and if there’s something she knows, she has to help a Foundling like him.

The Doctor brings Ruby back home yet wrecks Carla’s ceiling. Unknown to the Doctor the screen is showing eyes on there.

The Devil’s Chord: I would cut out the music number, have Maestro tone down. There’s no time jump, instead it’s still set on Christmas Eve in Ruby’s time. The Toymaker isn’t referenced in previously fighting the Doctor, just the Toymaker is Maestro’s father.

The episode does start differently. The cold open does have Maestro though the Doctor and Ruby are in Carla’s flat. The Doctor fixes the ceiling then awkwardly explains himself to Carla and Cherry. Carla and Cherry go inside the TARDIS with Ruby nervously explaining to them the Doctor took her back to the dinosaurs then to space. Carla is stunned while Cherry tells Ruby she can go back to find her mum, though is told they can’t. Carla does feel uncertain in letting Ruby go but can tell Ruby wants to travel with him. Hence she tells the Doctor she must bring her back on Christmas Day, then bring her back everyday. The Doctor and Ruby then go in the TARDIS, the story continues. Just no twist in the end.

It’s here we have Ruby learn the Doctor is a Time Lord, he explains he came to Earth in 1963 with Susan. He explains he was bored of life on Gallifrey and he didn’t want Susan to become stuffy like the others hence he took her out to show her the stars. He confesses he hasn’t seen Susan for a very long while therefore it’s left open if he did go back to see her or he didn’t.

Oh and John Lennon and Paul McCartney don’t come out and save the day, the Doctor banishes Maestro with him bitterly sighing, taking the piano and throwing it in space.

Boom: This I’d have it be different. While it’s my favourite of the season, I feel Moffat just played it a bit too obvious with his own “there’s no enemy out there” “love overcomes hate/A.I”. It’s why here, I think if you were to try and reintroduce a villain for this new era of Doctor Who and make it as gripping and epic as you can, then do it here.

The story is more focussed on the Doctor and Ruby trying to help the survivors of a Cleric colony base escape the Wirnn, the alien bugs of Ark in Space. The Ambulances will kill their patients if they’re infected by the Wirnn. The last ship taking the colonists have left while the Clerics wait for theirs but are holding back the Wirnn. The Doctor and Ruby land a little away from the base, the Doctor ends up stuck, he forgot his sonic screwdriver, Ruby goes to the base for help.

The Doctor is cornered by the Wirnn and an ambulance though he tries convincing the Wirnn to back off or it will be killed. Mundy comes with Ruby, helping to dismantle the landmine. The Doctor questions what had the Wirnn brought here, of which Mundy explains they just came out of nowhere then began killing or infecting the colonists. The colonists were trying to bring life back to this world after the old Osirian turned it to dust.

The Ambulance tries killing the Doctor yet Ruby knocks it over. The Wirnn can tell this has left a door to the base unguarded and calls for its fellow Wirnn to begin invading the base. Mundy is angry of this though the Doctor tells her he can still save them, bringing Mundy to the TARDIS with Ruby. They land the TARDIS in the base with the last Clerics escaping on it though Mundy’s lover is killed. Bringing the TARDIS to the rescue ship, the Doctor is sorry to Mundy.

The Doctor and Ruby end up talking well how dangerous it can be out in the universe, the Doctor offers to take her home. Ruby agrees, though only for a little rest cos the girl can’t be of much help for the Doctor if she’s tired.

During the episode the TARDIS groans even louder and Ruby thinks the windows are glowing green. The Doctor finally mentions Sutekh with him explaining he would have enjoyed this. It’s here Ruby learns the Doctor has another heart which is brought up while he’s on device.

73 Yards: This is gonna be incredibly different. I didn’t like 73 Yards as it didn’t stick with the horror theme and there was the plot hole of why the 14th Doctor or Sutekh weren’t in this episode.

It does start with the Doctor chatting with Carla of what exactly happened with Ruby. Carla suggests they take Ruby on holiday, Wales. Mrs Flood looks after Cherry while the Doctor goes to Wales with Ruby and Carla. The Doctor does go missing but is revealed to be trapped inside mirrors and glass. The woman following Ruby and Carla is a fairy or an alien in the guise of a fairy.

The Doctor breaks a talisman which sets the fairy free yet it traps him . Ruby and Carla goes to the inn. The fairy instead of making everybody dart away from Ruby has them become her minions, trying to get in the inn. The Doctor helps Ruby through the glass, telling her to lure the fairy in the doorway of the inn while the others sprinkle salt around it. This lets Ruby walk up to it without her moving. The fairy has been trying to catch Ruby cos she still has the talisman, which can still trap the fairy. The brainwashed try getting her though Ruby flees in the kitchen then melds the talisman back together, trapping the fairy, the brainwashed saved and the Doctor freed.

The Doctor is so happy with Ruby he gives her the TARDIS key, with Carla happy she kept herself together.

In the episode the fairy mentions being scared of the TARDIS, noting it’s so old and seen much death. The TARDIS groaning does end up worrying the Doctor even more. He runs a diagnostics on the TARDIS yet doesn’t find anything. He thinks he would have to find a scanner of another point in the universe to scan it.

Twthy the Fairy

Twyth the Alien Fairy. I’m thinking of just making her an alien who looks like a fairy. Twyth can brainwash those who come close to her, can fly. The Susan Triad who goes up to her simply turns to dust which confuses Twyth, who is scared of the TARDIS. Twyth is defeated after Carla and Ruby repair the talisman, trapping her then freeing the Doctor. Though Twyth could fly over the circle of salt the fact is she’s stuck in a little room in the inn without her flying out. The Doctor learns Twyth was an alien woman who had enslaved several humans until she was casted with salt iron which weakened her powers, allowing them to trap her in a talisman.

Dot and Bubble: This episode was just crap. It had lots of plot holes as well as the cast just being cringe.

The episode will keep elements of racism though the A.I is removed, the Doctor gets through the door after Lindy gets there so he can help her and the survivors, he communicates with Lindy through the hub which the Dot and Bubble are off of. The slugs, Mantraps, are their own alien race who come in the city through the sewers, they want to kill the humans for setting up a city on their planet.

This episode instead just focuses on the Doctor guiding Lindy out to the door. Lindy is still a b**** though the racist stuff is toned back. Lindy gets to the door, opens it which lets the Doctor get through. The Doctor tells Ruby to stay with Lindy while he goes through Finetime, gathering the survivors. Lindy does end up reluctantly working with the Doctor though Ruby tells her to cut out the racism. Lindy does have a brief fight with Ruby which ends with her clumsily falling on her back. The Doctor learns Finetime was created by a corporate company who was creating Space Universities for students, though they didn’t know the planet was inhabited by the Mantraps. They came up through the sewers and began eating them all. Lindy wants to kill the Mantraps though the Doctor instead has her and the survivors go back to their families in the escape space bus while he contacts the galactic cops in closing down Finetime.

The other survivors I’m thinking of either just making Lindy the only racist or the rest are racist but end up saying to the Doctor “Well, I see we were wrong about those like you” of which the Doctor says “Then maybe you oughta stop saying “those like you””. With this Ruby is stunned there’s still racism in the far future, of which the Doctor says racism is always there in some manner, though he says he’s not going to let it bother him.

The episode does hint the Doctor was trying to get to the Homeworld to see if any of the tech they have could help the TARDIS though trying to save the kids took up the Doctor’s focus. He tries landing the TARDIS inside Finetime but it’s stopped by a force field which blocks out the TARDIS.

Rogue: Okay, there’s no romance in this as I just don’t want the Doctor in a relationship with anybody, there’s no alien birds just wanting to cosplay, there’s no constant mentions of Bridgerton, and Rogue isn’t a time traveller. Instead, the villain here is Susan Twist though under makeup as a bird alien. The Doctor is also more thoughtful of Ruby unlike the episode we had. The Doctor and Ruby go to the regency era cos the TARDIS is trying to tell the Doctor there’s a temporal link between it and the modern day.

The episode is more of a murder mystery with the Doctor trying to learn who the killer is, he uses a gadget to detect the tech and finds its Rogue. The Doctor and Ruby defeat Rogue, with them finding out he’s a spy who’s come to kill aristocrats who are helping fight in the War of Independence. The Doctor does summon the alien who gave the tech, finding the Choulder does resemble Susan Triad. The alien doesn’t know what the Doctor is on about, though the Doctor learns this alien was going to enslave Rogue if he killed enough aristocrats. Rogue is upset he was being tricked, opting to kill the Choulder. The Doctor though instead has the Choulder’s tech warp it to the nearest space prison. Rogue is arrested for the murders though the Doctor has the courts sentence him to life, though he does tell Rogue to think than fight.

The Doctor finds a Triangle device on the floor where the Choulder was, finding it is linked to Triad technologies. The TARDIS groans louder with the Doctor thinking it has to do with the lady. With him and Ruby remembering her as an ambulance, the hiker, Linda’s mum and the Choulder, The Doctor tells Ruby they’re going to UNIT.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday: I would have to rename the episode, Carla, Rose and Morris are cut cos while Morris did at least help with the Time Window, Mel could do it, and Rose doesn’t really do much in this episode. Carla I just can’t see her fitting in my version of this episode.

The Doctor is trying to land the TARDIS though it keeps groaning, which Ruby notes has been doing a lot. The Doctor does land the TARDIS though flies it in. The Doctor explains to Kate of what’s been going on, looking up Susan Triad. They learn as well the 14th Doctor is currently off somewhere with Donna and Rose so he can’t be of help here.

They end up learning Mel has got a Triangle as well. It can project its user across time and space as a “virtual reality” kind of tech, making its user appear but in the past but with a perception filter. It can also work as a teleported. The Doctor wonders if she could have stolen technology out of the TARDIS and make money off it. While on their way to the Time Window we see relics of the past like Bessie, the Whomobile and a secret lab which Kate has been working on as a treat for the Doctor.

They have the TARDIS wired up to the Time Window with the Doctor checking its recent memory. To his confusion it goes back to the episode Wild Blue Yonder, they see some smoke entering the TARDIS. The Doctor has the TARDIS locked in a room away from UNIT staff then goes with Mel to confront Susan. The Doctor examines the tech and finds it’s not Galifreayan or TARDIS tech. It’s Osirian tech.

The episode ends with Sutekh stepping out of the TARDIS. Sutekh then appears in UNIT with him stepping out of the TARDIS then begins killing everybody.

Empire of Death: The Doctor sees Sutekh’s sand coming and killing everybody. He has the Triad Tech bring him, Mel and Susan back in UNIT with him grabbing Kate, Ruby and others. Kate shows the Doctor her gift, the Whofighter, a car sized flying craft. Sutekh comes in and kills Kate and Susan. Ushering Mel and Ruby inside the Whofighter, the Doctor speaks with Sutekh. Sutekh explains he wasn’t in the vortex for long, something happened with time which left him clinging on the edge of the universe. He saw the TARDIS and latched onto it, explaining he was knocked off it yet clung on the other TARDIS. The Doctor thanks Sutekh for this then he escapes in the Whofighter, flying it up into space. Ruby and Mel are horrified as they watch the Earth and the whole universe turn to dust yet the Doctor instead focuses on just surviving.

The Doctor then spends weeks with Mel and Ruby in upgrading the Triad Tech, with him explaining he has a plan in how to stop Sutekh. He uses the Triad Tech to teleport himself out on a floating rock Sutekh is on with his TARDIS. The Doctor and Sutekh talk, the Doctor asks him if he’s bored now that everything is gone, though Sutekh says life will return, either in this universe or those from others, he will bring death to all. The Doctor explains Sutekh must’ve been bored scouring the edge of the universe, telling him he was busy with dealing with other stuff in noticing him, he hopes to rectify that mistake. Sutekh though explains he escaped because time was damaged during Flux, tauntingly telling the Doctor he knows what the Doctor did, trying to find the Division and it led to countless deaths in time and space. Sutekh smugly tells the Doctor he is just like him, he wants him to know this before he kills him.

The Doctor is hurt though it’s then Mel and Ruby then appear beside the TARDIS having cloaked themselves. The Doctor, Mel and Ruby escape inside though Sutehk clutches hold of it. The Doctor then opens the telepathic circuits of the TARDIS then brings the TARDIS back to the day he and Ruby came to UNIT, with him seeing his past self and Ruby in the TARDIS. The Doctor telepathically communicates with his earlier self, urging him to just stop the TARDIS just at the edge of creation. The Doctor slams the TARDIS in the old TARDIS, causing a temporal wave which forces the current Sutekh to be erased while the past Sutekh is sent out to the end of the universe, passing over to the other side. The past Doctor and Ruby watch this and their future selves erased, leaving him and her to understand they just saw a dark future erased.

The episode ends with the Doctor confronting Susan, finding out the Triad Tech is of an alien spacecraft Susan unearthed in an archeological dig. The Doctor does berate Susan of using the alien tech though Susan was hoping to refigure it in a tool to help everybody live in history. Though it’s thoughtful of her to do so, it needs a lot of help, hence he has Susan come working in UNIT. The Doctor brings Ruby home with him and her happily having dinner with Carla and Cherry.

There, it’s how I’d do it. Though still. Doctor Who is over for me. I can’t watch this series being wrecked any longer. I hope this pleases those who were disappointed. Still, this isn’t the end of everything Doctor Who. I’ll still collect the audios and revisit the classic series, but I won’t be coming back for the Christmas special or the next series. Goodbye Doctor Who.

I’m Wandering Fox and I’m just going back to the TARDIS, hopefully I can go off in a timeline where everything was better because this Doctor Who needs fixing from the end of Power of the Doctor.

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Jun 26, 2024

Whioops, theres a mistake here.

The Doctor defeats Sutekh by getting Ruby and Mel in the Memory TARDIS after he’s spoken with Sutekh. With this they then force the Memory TARDIS to collide with the TARDIS, knocking Sutekh off. The TARDIS back in his hands, the Doctor then opens the telepathic circuits then flies back in time to the day he lands in UNIT, with him slamming the TARDIS in past one. The past Doctor and Ruby watch as Sutekh is caught in a paradox collapse which forces him out of the universe and erases the other Doctor, Ruby and Mel. The TARDIS lands in UNIT and the Doctor is unnerved by what just happened though he thinks the dark…

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